Recent Events & Program Updates
While the summer months bring on a lot of work for us with educational tours and public programs, the fall/winter months are approaching fast and the work will continue with educating others on the legacy of Malcolm X as top priority. We hope you find this update both informative and rewarding to see what we have been up to.
This summer we finished our strategic plan which was completed over a two-day weekend. We included not only board members in the process but also part-time contractors who help keep our facilities in order for tours and outreach. A few things we can share now that came from the process include a NEW mission & vision for the next 3 years! Please see a few of those elements below and we will share more as the end of 2021 closes.

During the Summer/Fall 2021 we were excited to host a number of high school students who walked over from the nearby Omaha North High to learn about Malcolm X with their English/AP teachers. They are currently reading the Autobiography of Malcolm X and in total we toured with approximately 80 students! We also hosted a few tours of traveling youth groups including the image below of Board President Leo Louis II standing with the REACH LEGENDS basketball team from Detroit, Michigan! To schedule a group tour, please email joanna @
On Oct. 3rd, the Malcolm X Foundation collaborated with the Education Rights Counsel to develop a data research team to present on how discipline referrals are effecting Black students within OPS grades PK-2 from 2018-2019. Issues discussed were on mental health and intervention tools for educators. Additionally questions arose about the effectiveness of the MTSSB program in education and its implementation for Tier 2 academic institutions. It was a healthy discussion with a diverse set of community leaders and residents. This data collection process is ongoing and will include other districts across Nebraska however, Omaha Public Schools was the first to offer transparency with getting this process started.
Our recent progress would not be possible without the dedication of our working board members. We greatly appreciate it when others are compelled to join the movement. So we thought it was necessary to update the public on who is involved with the organization and encourage you to spread the word that we are seeking even more talented people to join us. *Please note that onboarding would begin by end of year or beginning Jan. 2022. Images & names of current board roster are located here.
We wanted to take out time and recognize some of our donors & Sustaining Members this past quarter.
Anarra D. Williams
Anna Donley
Antoinette Johnson
Asjoure Brown
Carol Roth
Come Home Services
Garrick F. Moore
Judith L. Amoo
Karam Labban
Karen & John Berry
Kristin Taylor
Latham Williams
Loretta Vanpelt
Luis A. Anderson
Maamoon Mahmud Saleh
Maija Neilsen
Manal Abu Sheikh
Maria Harvey
Marie J. McLaughlin
Nebraska Civic Engagement Table
Sabrina K. Okoronkwo
Shanay Joyner
Tesfa Y. Wondemagegnehu
Thomas W. Beyer
Timothy Keho
Tito Jackson
Violet K. Thessen
Yusuf J. Ali
Zaid Patel
Our monthly Sustaining Donors, we also appreciate you...
Amy Sorensen
Ashley Carlson
Autumn Hill
Camille Voorhees
Christina Wolfgang
Daniel Nietos Internet Consulting
Diane Seaver
Donald Muhr
Erin Huerter
Genisha Wallace
Heather Bey
Jason Anderson
Jonathan Brown
Jordan Alexander
Katherine Dawdy
Kurt A. Howard
Rebecca Wilson
Staci Smith
Suzanne King
Thea Scott
Tyson Reeder
Vanessa Jewel
Video Game Box Protectors Inc.
Will Notbohm
If you want to be recognized for your contribution or be a monthly subscriber, simply use the donate button and put "Friend of Malcolm X" in the notes. Thank you!
This season for the 4MX Greenhouse, we are working to incorporate more indigenous plants, creating a colorful space for native pollinators around the greenhouse. As the season allows, we are also working on replacing invasive plants to help beautify the space over the years. A special appreciation goes to these three people for organizing the soon-to-be "Three Sisters" garden at the Malcolm X birthsite! - Image Below: Sarah Rowe, Mi'oux'sah Stabler and Lydia Cheshewalla standing on the right side of the greenhouse with lead organizer Jordan Weber (left). To learn more about this project visit our 4MX Greenhouse page here.
